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Global Women 4 Wellbeing(GW4W) Japan Kick Off
Global Women 4 Wellbeing (GW4W) Japan Kick Off
Global Women 4 Wellbeing is announcing the first seminar in Japan. Nancy Board, COO and Mim Senft, CEO and Co-founders of GW4W contributed to this event.
September 22, 2018
EAPA Japan
Resilie Laboratory Inc.
Participation fee
JPY 5,000 for seminar
JPY 5,000 for Networking Dinner
Program Overview
Opening Remarks
Kaoru Ichikawa, Ph.D., Resilie Lab, EAPA Tokyo, GW4W
Special Remarks
Shigeki Shiiba, M.D., Ph.D., Director, Health and Safety Division. Japan Ministry of Health, Welfare and Labor
Keynote Speech I
Hiroko Okinaga, MD. Ph.D., Vice President, Executive Director, Teikyo University; Director, Teikyo University Support Center for Women Physicians and Researchers - “Wellbeing of Working Age Women in Japan and Diversity – The Status of Female Physicians’ and Researchers in Japan and Teikyo University’s Diversity Approach.”
Keynote Speech II
Dr. Gina Parekh – Executive Director, GW4W Asia - “Empowering Healthy Female Leadership in the Workplace”
Research Presentation
Dr. Anna Kato, Occupational Health Physician, Kao Corporation - “Working Women and Menopause: A Condition Survey and Its Impact on Work”
Educational Lecture 1
Yoko Araki, M.D., Ph.D., Occupational Health Physician, Araki Occupational Health Consultancy - “Healthy Companies and Women’s Wellbeing – For Creation of Sustainable Societies”
Small Group Discussion
1) What is necessary for women to have good physical and psychological health in order to be a leader?
2) What is the role of women in ‘Work style revolution’?
3) What can I do to better assist other women, personally and professionally?
Closing Remarks
"Action Steps for the Future" Nancy Board, Chief Operations Officer, GW4W
Name : Teikyo Univ. Kasumigaseki Campus
Street : Hirakawa Cho Mori Tower 9th floor.
2-16-1 Hirakawacho, Chiyoda ku, Tokyo, Japan
City/ZIP: 102−0093
Email: support@resilie.co.jp
Telephone: 03-5843- 7688
Seminar Registration Here JPY 5,000
Networking Reception Registration Here JPY 5,000 per participant

- 帝京大学
ご後援 Sponsorship / ENDORSEMENT
(一社)産業精神保健学会 Japan Society for Occupational Mental Health
Japan Women's Network for Disaster Risk Reduction
独立行政法人 国立女性教育会館 National Women's Education Center
公益財団法人健康・体力づくり事業財団 Japan Health Promotion & Fitness Promotion
スポンサー企業 Corporate sponsorship
1) セミナースポンサー Sponsor for Seminar
2) 懇親会スポンサー Sponsor for Reception
3) GW4WーJ設立支援 Sponsor for GW4W-J
(1口 5万円・50,000JPY per one donation)
recent activity Album

Theme and Topics poll by the members will be open once a year. Theme Selection Committee select 1-2 topics a year.
GW4W will partner with GW4W Japan to highlight the most important research categories that result from this seminar. The goal is to have local research projects that are specific to Japan and be published as a white paper in both English and Japanese.
1st white paper produced by GW4W entitled, “Caregiving, Leadership and Financial Wellbeing: Connecting the Issues That Hold Women Back” to be shared in English and Japanese at the seminar.
This is to promote GW4W’s research mission in Japan. At least once a year, research funding is open to support the survey and research activities. We welcome from JPY 1000 and above.
GW4W Japan welcome sponsorship from local companies and individuals. This is to address our larger research mission and sustain GW4W’s business operations.
The 1st Seminar Support
- Seminar Guest Travel
- Printing Material Support,
- Networking Reception Support
- Organizational Support
JPY50.000 per minimum donation.
Bank Account Information
Mizuho Bank、Tokyo Eigyo Bu Branch (001)
Account # 2096573
Account Name: Resilie Kenkyujo (Kabu)
Note: Definition of female is not limited to legal nor biology. We value your preference.